Going Green Makes Business Sense

Going Green Makes Business Sense

Sustainable, Responsible and determined to reduce our impact on the environment. SR Mailing has seen the vast amount of waste generated by the eCommerce industry and is dedicated to make a change!

Our mission is to adopt a zero-waste concept that considers the complete lifecycle of a product from collectable materials all the way to end-of-life disposal, completely abandoning the idea of a linear economy/usage.

Now, more than ever, offering greener solutions isn’t just something that’s good for the planet, but also a driver for sales. Recycled content is one of our main fortes when developing our product line. We also work with Climate Partner to make our products carbon neutral.Between 2021 and 2023 we have offset more than 570,380kg of CO2, the equivalent of 

Carbon neutral | SR Mailing Ltd


What is climate neutral packaging?

Climate neutral (or carbon neutral or CO2 neutral) packaging is where all the carbon emissions related to the packaging production have been calculated and then compensated for by a carbon offset project. This could be, for example, with a forest conservation project. Here the trees remove CO2 from the atmosphere while also providing benefits to local communities.

The first step of this process is minimising carbon emissions as much as possible.



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